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Let me introduce to you the game Land of blessing (project name), an action-RPG-metroidvania.

Hope you will enjoy the idea.

North of France, 1757. A visitor, because of bad luck or can be driven by fate to be alone, afoot and at nightfall in the middle of nowhere.

The sight of a village far off will reassure our hero a little but for the time to get there only because once there he will discover that the place is emptied of its inhabitants. Or almost.

Our traveler will not find the help he has hoped for, but he will find many other things that will take him beyond anything a man can imagine.

Ibi deficit orbis « Here ends the world. »

Land of Blessing is an action rpg game which offers you to explore the forests and French countryside.

go looking for abandoned castles that will be able to give you the key to penetrate "the demon's lair" and fight it to try to annihilate it.

The task will be tough so collect items and equipment to help you in your quest. Walk

paths, groves and swamps in search of secrets. Improve your skills and your constitution

in order to progress ever further in these accursed places. But do not lose yourself young adventurer because the night is cold and cruel.

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